under controlIf you wish to have a few precious moments just for yourself, you can leave your children under the care of our professional and highly qualified animators.
Don't worry - your little ones will be safe and happy, and you, in turn, will regenerate your body and soul in the SPA.
On the cloud nine
every dayThere's no better hotel
for the little onesFun and joy are not reserved for adults alone. We also want to take good care of children, for we know the role they fulfill in the world of today
Our hotel does not hesitate to ask professionals for help. We were even visited by a famous Supernanny Dorota Zawadzka who organized special workshops for children and adults. She's the star of the Polish edition of this reality show, broadcasted in our country by the TVN channel since 2004. The expert taught children how to behave a home and in public as well as showed their parents how to raise their offsprings properly and wisely.
See the movie made during the visit of the Supernanny in the Senator Hotel.
our blogFind out more about hotel attractions for children, about their proper upbringing and nice ideas to spend free time with kids. Check our blog run together with the Lidia Hotel in Darłowo and the Unitral Hotel in Mielno. The Seaside Hotel Blog is a must-read for all the parents!
Hotel Senator oczami dzieci